Funny Jokes

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Link: Adobe Elements 11

Brain Tumor

Doctor: I regret to tell you that you have a brain tumor.
Mr. Bean: Yesss!!! (jumps in joy)
Doctor: Did you understand what I just told you?
Mr. Bean: Yes of course, do you think I'm dumb?
Doctor: Then why are you so happy?
Mr. Bean: Because that proves that I have a brain!

Link: Pendant Diamon


Link: Fire Tablet

Stupid Police!

Links: iPhone 5

Be Friend With Stupid People

Recently while waiting in an airport terminal a group of us were watching the news about the separation of conjoined twins.

One of the airport staff came over and asked if the twins had been separated, when we replied that they had been she asked, "Both of them?"

Link: Samsung s3 Mini